VS Motorsports E46 M3 vs E92 M3 by Driven Media - Johan Lee, on Flickr
andreas_R (02-05-14), aristent (02-05-14), doctore (02-05-14), nikos1400 (08-06-14), SoNiC_77Gr (07-06-14), vagmag (02-05-14), Vasilis M3 (09-05-14), zaharias (02-05-14)
Τι να λέμε τώρα? Θεές όλες τους! Τhe Legendary M3 historical lineup: η αγαπημένη μου σειρά αυτοκινήτων, αλλά μόνο για μένα???
"There was s'thing of a sweet spot around the turn of the millennium, during which BMW produced two seminal masterpieces that have never quite bettered by their successors - the E46 ///M3 and the E39 ///M5" [BMW Car, 01/14]
aristent (09-05-14), Bazil Van Sinner (09-05-14), chief (09-05-14), chrisgiapz3 (10-05-14), doctore (18-05-14), gant (11-06-14), georggge46 (09-06-14), micz (17-05-14), m_power_lunatic (27-05-14), pilot (10-05-14), SoNiC_77Gr (07-06-14), steliosm46 (27-05-14), vagmag (09-05-14), Vasilis M3 (09-05-14), Vassilis ///M (09-05-14), zaharias (10-05-14)
aristent (27-05-14), SoNiC_77Gr (07-06-14), Vassilis ///M (17-05-14)
A8hnaios (27-05-14), aristent (27-05-14), Bazil Van Sinner (27-05-14), pilot (27-05-14), Vassilis ///M (29-05-14), zaharias (27-05-14)
Current World Population Clock
U.S.National Debt Clock
Always we need a ballance between the car and the woman as a perfect man dream!
aristent (27-05-14), Bazil Van Sinner (27-05-14), chrisgiapz3 (28-05-14), nikos1400 (28-05-14), pilot (27-05-14), VanVIC (07-06-14), Vassilis ///M (27-05-14), zaharias (27-05-14)
Current World Population Clock
U.S.National Debt Clock
Always we need a ballance between the car and the woman as a perfect man dream!
andreas_R (27-05-14), aristent (27-05-14), Bazil Van Sinner (27-05-14), chrisgiapz3 (28-05-14), nikos1400 (28-05-14), Vasilis M3 (27-05-14), Vassilis ///M (27-05-14), zaharias (27-05-14)
pilot (28-05-14), Vasilis M3 (28-05-14), zaharias (28-05-14)
A8hnaios (07-06-14), aristent (08-06-14), Bazil Van Sinner (07-06-14), Bellof-3 (07-06-14), chrisgiapz3 (07-06-14), gant (11-06-14), isou (07-06-14), Lambros46 (07-06-14), micz (08-06-14), nikos1400 (07-06-14), panose30 (07-06-14), pilot (07-06-14), SoNiC_77Gr (07-06-14), steliosm46 (07-06-14), VanVIC (07-06-14), Vasilis M3 (07-06-14), Vassilis ///M (07-06-14), zaharias (07-06-14)
και center locking? τι αλλο φοραει?
Το αμαξι ειναι μοντελο 11/1989 και εχει ερθει απ την Αγγλια πριν απο δυο χρονια σε παρα πολυ καλη κατασταση.
Ο φιλος που το εχει φερει, παρ όλη την πολυ κατασταση του αυτοκινητου, το εκανε βιδες και το εκανε ανακατασκευη απο την αρχη.
Η κατασταση του αυτοκινητου ειναι καλυτερη απο αυτοκινητου βιτρινας.
A8hnaios (07-06-14), Bazil Van Sinner (08-06-14), Bellof-3 (07-06-14), gant (11-06-14), Leonidas_E39 (10-06-14), micz (08-06-14), pilot (08-06-14), steliosm46 (08-06-14)