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Θέμα: Περιπέτειες αλά...MNL!!!!

  1. #1
    Αγγλία, Αθήνα, Λάρισα, Δράμα

    Προεπιλογή Περιπέτειες αλά...MNL!!!!

    Και όπως το λέει ο τίτλος, είπα, τώρα που έρχεται ο νέος χρόνος, να γράψω κάτι κι εγώ...από τα ταξίδια μου...

    Το κάτωθεν έχει δημοσιευθεί μερικώς, με περικοπές στα πιο πιπεράτα σημεία από τον εκδότη , στο Jaguar Enthusiast Club magazine πριν 2 χρόνια. Συγγνώμη είναι μόνο στα αγγλικά...και κάτι ψιλά γαλλικά


    My birthday was coming…I was excited. Everything had been arranged quite a while ago: I had decided that I was going to fly to Greece and visit my parents spending these days in family.

    I have never been keen on travelling by plane though. My specific dislike of the long queues at passport controls, the wait to get in and out of the plane and the general idea of not having at least one of my two beloved four-wheeled companions (both X350 now…) with me could drive me mad…so most of the time I used to drive from Britain to Greece crossing almost half Europe on the way! Nevertheless, I believed I was “cured” from my “airplane phobia” two months before, when my 3-week driving holiday to Greece turned to a mandatory 1-week quick trip by plane, which, I thought, was not too bad after all…And the reason for that? My car was under investigation ( I was afraid to take it for such a long trip abroad-needless to say I was devastated) due to a vibration, most probably from the propshaft area, it developed immediately after a Jaguar Dealer had carried out the infamous brake pipe recall repair (for the X-350). Anyway…
    This time everything was in order: one return plane ticket bought a month in advance with Easy Jet and car park place for one of my X-350s (as the other one would have to stay at home - I still havenʼt figured out how to simultaneously drive two cars!) booked early at Heathrow airport. All good for just £120! I was going to take the flight early in the morning on the 12th November and come back on the 18th, my birthday been on the 16th…

    The few days at work before departure were bad though: very tiring and the last on call horrible… When it was over, I found myself knackered in my bed, thinking that I wonʼt be able to get up in few hours to take the plane and suffer all the usual air travel related “torture”…”No, I canʼt be bothered”, I said to myself, “I need a holiday that will please me the way I want it and I want it now! So, I am taking the car and going to France instead on the following day! And I wonʼt cancel my air ticket, so that I always remember this wasted money – as if I were giving to myself a rather expensive fixed penalty ticket for…not abiding by my rule of ALWAYS USE THE CAR - and never do such a thing again, unless if it is a matter of…life or death!”

    Some people are drug addict. Some others are…sex addict. Oh well…I am most certainly a car addict! As if I have no red blood cells, these little particles in our blood which are the usual “vehicles” for our haemoglobin - I am getting too scientific now! -, but micro cars instead doing this task! Oh, what a wonderful thought! And a theme for maybe the ultimate sci-fi film with micro robotic and genetic engineering for the ultimate petrol head: A hero with super powers attributed to the energy regeneration process from her/his bouncing micro Red Blood Cars (?RBC) with their ultra flexible deformation zones in the blood, instead of the normal Red Blood Cells (RBC)!

    Back to reality from the telephone ringing…11am. It was my parents, who had figured out by then that I wouldnʼt be flying to Greece. “Have a good time the way you like it and…just be careful when you drive!” were their words…

    In the next few hours, I got myself ready: a little bag for me and then all the other essentials in the boot, such as windscreen washing fluid and tablets and two litres of Jaguar motor oil (bought on eBay…), some fluid for the radiator –which has had a slight almost non significant leak from a hose for some 35,000 miles (!) and I have to admit it still has it after nearly 45,000 miles or 72,000+ km now…no problem- and my painkiller tablets, as I could not afford to have a migraine caused by the expected/predicted lack of sleep or tiredness…Not much to check at my car, as itʼs always ready for the “road war”: a quick check with the oil dipstick, top up the windscreen fluid and visual check of the tyres (nitrogen inflated about a month ago, which does indeed keep an optimum tyre pressure for about 3-4 months and I have verified this lots of times so far).

    At about 9pm I am on the wheel, on the way to Dover. I have to catch the Sea France ferry boat just after midnight, at 00.10 on the 13th November to be more precise. When I arrive there, I am informed that there may be a delay due to the adverse weather conditions: strong winds blow and heavy rain compliments the scenery. Indeed, later on, a 1 hour delay is announced, to my “disturbed” relief, as this is translated to 1 hour of less driving in the dark on a not so well known road without any sleep! For safety reasons, I would not like to get out of my locked car in the small hours, been on my own - daft blonde? Ha, maybe…- in a luxury car in any country where big Jaguars are still a rare sight…
    A refreshing café au lait or maybe lait au café; (as I usually drink…milk with coffee or “black milk” if you prefer!) and a crispy French croissant before we arrive to Calais and I am ready. Just after 3.30am I am on French soil heading to motorway A16/E402 destination Boulogne-sur-Mer. The road is pretty quiet; just the occasional lorry here and there and of course me with the Jag! Soon after, near Abbeville, I take the A28/E402 destination Rouen. Itʼs dark, obviously, some more life seen from the early starters and I enjoy the comfort of my car with only a rhythmic musical background, mostly with a lot of bass to keep me awake(!).

    I carry on the same road towards Le Mans. Morpheus, the handsome Greek God of Sleep, keeps on whispering at my ear how much he wants to take me in his arms; I can feel his deep breath next to me. My eyelids are about to close…but then no! I have to stay put and resist his flirtatious approach. A meaningful bat of the eyelids and I continue to drive at a significantly low speed…

    …until about 8am when the daylight started to come out… I pulled at an aire to have some rest. I parked near the café in a space big enough to accommodate the length of this 4-wheeled babe, pressed the button for the electric rear sun blind to go up, jumped at the rear seat, locked the doors with the alarm once (I avoided using the dead locks for obvious reasons!), put my handbag in a discrete place, took my shoes off and lied on the rear seat using my scarf as a temporary pillow and my jacket as a blanket. Oh and I put the car key in the rear door pocket next to my head… All good and tidy, ready to surrender to Morpheus temptations!
    It was about 11am when I eventually woke up and reluctantly got out of the car. Life was going on as normal: cars with their content(!) coming to and going out of the parking bays next to mine. Nobody seemed to have noticed, or at least they were too polite to show, what had happened between me and the handsome Morpheus at the back seat of the big Jag…

    I felt hungry. I went to the café. After a refreshing café au lait and a hot and crispy crocque-monsieur, I was ready. I bought a couple of souvenirs for my parents and back on the wheel.

    The rest of the journey was like a little excursion! The weather was good, it was not raining and it was not very cold. Perfect driving conditions. From Le Mans I continued on the A28/E402 direction Tours and then on A85/E604 direction Bourges. I was approaching my first destination Nevers, where I would spend the following 3 nights. So, I had plenty of time to make few stops on the way and take photos in an attempt to stop the clock. In vain; at least these photos will always be there as a memory of a frantic moment (one of many!) of my driving madness…
    At about 6pm, I was entering the gates of my first destination: the Nevers Magny-Cours Holiday Inn Hotel by the N7 close to Magny-Cours Autodrome. I was a bit tired but very pleased at the same time. Several hours of enjoyable driving, many stops with photos (which I hope you enjoy ? ) and the excitement of the unknown, all together made for a very happy driver-explorer! And I had just cropped up about 1000km (just over 620 miles). Not bad for a day!
    Now it was time for a delicious French dinner and then back to the room for some bed rest and planning for the following dayʼs little adventure…

    …I was driving on the motorway entertaining the 90mph mark, trying to find the exact speed at which the previously mentioned vibration would appear. The occasional car here and there oh and the rain, a lot of rain… I concluded that it was at 92mph. All of a sudden I saw a silver silhouette getting closer to me. The so familiar front grille of a BMW 3-series became clear in a couple of seconds. It was a French registered car, fast and furious…Grabbing the opportunity, I was now determined to see at what speed this vibration would disappear, if at all… The Beamer now was behind me at a safe distance waiting with respect for the Big Cat to make a move. After I passed a “mobile obstacle” that had forgotten itself in the middle lane, I courteously pulled to the middle lane and started to accelerate gently. At 110 the nose of the Beamer was “sniffing” the bum of my Jag... at 120 I could just about see its nose next to the front left side window… at 125 both cars were level… at 130 the Beemerʼs bum started to show and only at 135 it showed off “naked” in front of the astonished seafrost eyes of the Big Cat; it was then that I realised what car had just passed me: a BMW 330dx Touring…Diesel and Estate and All-Wheel-Drive! At 140 I could just about keep up with it from a distance and then at 142-143 it was completely out of sight…
    I started to think how useful the four-wheel drive system of that car (this is what the letter x stands for; pity that they canʼt be produced as RHD for the UK market) was in this pretty heavy rain and since I only have a rear-wheel-drive I should slow down, as Iʼd rather enjoy my birthday in two days alive and in one piece! And oh miracle: the dreaded vibration seemed to have disappeared for good over 130mph! A naughty thought came to my mind and a silly smile (like the one we get after a good nightʼs…sex…ha ha ha ) on my face: maybe, when I got back to Britain, I should ask for an exceptional (based on these facts) permission from UK police to allow driving over 130 only for Jaguars!
    Lost in my thoughts, my lids started to feel heavy and droop… I could hardly keep them open… And then, all of a sudden, “bang” “dong” “doop”…

    …When I opened my eyes, I was on the floor of my hotel room next to my bed, maps and pillows all over the place. I was dreaming… I had been at the automotive heaven and back in my dreams! I was very much alive though, as the pain on my forehead indicated after a disagreement it just had with the bedside chest…

    Never mind; another glorious driving day was there! Nevertheless, I decided not to overdo it over the next two days during my little trips around Nevers.
    So for the first day, I took the N7 towards Moulins and then turned west direction Limoges via Montluçon and Guéret. My plan was to visit Poitiers and then get as far as La Rochelle and then back with lots of photos on the way. But as it would soon start to get dark and I was a bit…tired with mild headache from the morningʼs accident, I only managed to reach Poitiers. The sensible thing would be to return, so that I donʼt spoil my so far great experience. I chose the road via the “Parc National Régional de la Brenne” direction Châteauroux and then to Nevers via another narrow D road… Total of only about 600km (just over 370 miles) for that day…Tiredness had started to kick in!

    Second day and I was even more restricted on my driving ambitions…Only a short trip of some 300km (not even 200 miles…) direction Autun and Chalon-sur-Saône, then south on A6/E15 to Mâcon and then back to Nevers via Moulins. I finally decided to visit the Autodrome, but clearly neither the car nor the driver was up for a track ride…
    Back to my hotel, I was contemputf8g my achievements so far: almost 2000km (nearly 1250 miles) in 3 days and I still had to drive back another 1000km! Brilliant! Now I should plan carefully the itinerary to Caen, the destination of the following day - 16th November - , as the return journey was due to start in hours.

    I opted for a trip from Nevers to Caen via…Paris! A77 first and then on A6/E15 north…Despite the heavy traffic around the capital of France (and my personal birthplace), the journey was very relaxed, as the Big Cat was attracting admiring glances from the French drivers here and there… I even stopped for a quick photo shooting in Versailles, as you may see from the relevant photos… ? I was very happy and excited!
    Then back on the wheel, direction Evreux to finally reach my overnight accommodation at the Caen City Centre Holiday Inn Hotel. I was somehow concerned: I knew that there was no car park on site; so where would I park the big boy (all my cars are boys of course… ha ha ha) safely for the night?!?! A quick chat with the friendly receptionist solved the problem. He initially suggested a nearby underground car park (10 min walk). As he was genuinely interested to know what kind of car I could possibly have to worry that much, I explained it was a Jaguar XJ.
    “Oh, le propriétaire a une Jaguar XK coupé; et il la gare dans la rue en dehors de lʼhôtel. Pas de problème! Nous aussi en France, nous avons des voitures prestigieuses…” he replied… Mind you, during my journey I saw only 3 French registered Jaguars: two S-Type and one XJ (X350)…
    I took his advice about parking though; I was very lucky: a relatively big space was waiting in front of the main entrance of the hotel. I parked the car with all its length within the white markings without a single scratch! The photos that you may see explain what I mean! I was very pleased: I could see him even from my window! True is that the night view of Caen from my top floor window was such that I found myself hooked there for a while like a child who has found a new toy…my birthday gift...

    Next day, the 17th November, it was the return day… As I had plenty of time until my late afternoon departure from Calais, I decided to take the coastal road from Caen to Le Havres, via Deauville and Honfleur. A short stop at Le Havres and I eventually reached my final French destination, Calais, via Dieppe and Boulogne-sur-Mer. After the almost mandatory stop at the supermarket Carrefour, I was on my way to the port to wait for the Sea France Ferry boat for the way back. And guess what… I was first on the queue with no other car waiting yet. That early I was!!! Or maybe I was simply tired, so no time to sightsee any more… A last chat on French soil with two friendly French officers of the Port Police about the car, as they felt sympathy(!) about me seeing me lonely waiting…(ha ha ha), and several hours later I was back at home.

    During this trip I did about 3000km (just over 1,850 miles) in 5 days…No problem! On second thought I could have driven to Greece instead… I donʼt remember exact figures of fuel consumption, but I would only describe it as “acceptable” for the type of car and level of driving mode! Besides, who cares about the cost? We only have one birthday a year and we should enjoy it! And the next one is coming now fast…So, ready anyone for this yearʼs little adventure?!? ?
    Τελευταία επεξεργασία από το χρήστη I_MNL : 31-12-13 στις 23:48
    Και το όνομα είναι Marie-Noëlle (ελληνιστί Μαρί-Νοέλ) ή υποκοριστικό MNL, ΟΧΙ Μαρί (Marie) ΟΥΤΕ Νοέλ (Noëlle), εκτός αν ψάχνετε για κάποια άλλη... That's it babes!

  2. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to I_MNL For This Useful Post:

    120ie87 (06-04-14), alexandra (06-06-14), aristent (07-01-14), BILL007 (24-06-14), freddys (02-01-14), Nino (10-01-14), ntinos (08-01-14), TakisKal (24-06-14), wheelman (01-01-14)

  3. #2
    Αγγλία, Αθήνα, Λάρισα, Δράμα


    Και μερικές σχετικές φωτό από την εξόρμηση!!!
    Τότε είχα μόνο τους Ιαγουάρους... οπότε είμαι με τον Πρασινούλη (ο Γαλαζούλης έμεινε Αγγλία...)

    Και το όνομα είναι Marie-Noëlle (ελληνιστί Μαρί-Νοέλ) ή υποκοριστικό MNL, ΟΧΙ Μαρί (Marie) ΟΥΤΕ Νοέλ (Noëlle), εκτός αν ψάχνετε για κάποια άλλη... That's it babes!

  4. The Following 16 Users Say Thank You to I_MNL For This Useful Post:

    120ie87 (06-04-14), alexandra (01-09-14), aristent (07-01-14), Bazil Van Sinner (07-01-14), BILL007 (24-06-14), dafidack (12-01-14), freddys (08-01-14), katsaraios (10-01-14), mikegr (29-07-14), nikos valvetronic (07-01-14), Nino (07-11-15), ntinos (08-01-14), PANOS-E60 (10-01-14), Ptboul (08-01-14), TakisKal (24-06-14), Vassilis ///M (08-01-14)

  5. #3
    Αγγλία, Αθήνα, Λάρισα, Δράμα



    Και καθώς δεν μπορώ να καθήσω πολύ χωρίς να οδηγήσω, είπα να επισκεφθώ μια φίλη μου, που δουλεύαμε μαζί στην Αγγλία, και είναι τώρα στην Βέροια.
    Έτσι λοιπόν πήρα τονΜπέμπη τον Μικρό και από Λάρισα πετάχτηκα στην Βέροια (μέσω Τεμπών) για ένα φραππεδάκι
    Όλα ωραία και καλά! Μετά κανά δύωρο, ώρα για επιστροφή...αλλά να μην γυρίσω από τον ίδιο δρόμο, γιατί γίνεται βαρετό το πράγμα...

    Έτσι λοιπόν, επιστροφή μέσω Κοζάνης::: και είχα τη δυνατότητα να βγάλω μερικές φωτό

    Μόλις βγαίνω από Βέροια

    Εδώ κάπου στο δρόμο με στροφές, λίγη ομίχλη, όπου είμαστε μόνον εγώ, ο εαυτός μου κι ο Μπέμπης ο Μικρός ψυχή....

    Και κάπου χαμηλά μόλις φαίνεται η Εγνατία!

    Μου πήρε 3 ώρες για να γυρίσω στη Λάρισα! Η διαδρομή μετά την Κοζάνη είχε αρκετή σασπένς, αλλά δεν μπόρεσα να σταματήσω και να την αποθανατήσω.

    Και το όνομα είναι Marie-Noëlle (ελληνιστί Μαρί-Νοέλ) ή υποκοριστικό MNL, ΟΧΙ Μαρί (Marie) ΟΥΤΕ Νοέλ (Noëlle), εκτός αν ψάχνετε για κάποια άλλη... That's it babes!

  6. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to I_MNL For This Useful Post:

    120ie87 (06-04-14), alexandra (13-07-15), aristent (10-01-14), BILL007 (24-06-14), dafidack (12-01-14), freddys (10-01-14), mikegr (29-07-14), TakisKal (24-06-14), wheelman (10-01-14)

  7. #4
    Αγγλία, Αθήνα, Λάρισα, Δράμα


    Και καθώς είδα τα μελλοντικά σχέδια των αγοριών για τον γύρο της Ελλάδας σε 13 μέρες, θυμήθηκα την δική μου 24ωρη βολτούλα στην Μεγάλη Βρεταννία, τότε όταν είχα μόνο τον Μπέμπη τον Μικρό τον 316i.
    Το κείμενο δημοσιεύθηκε στο BMW Car Club Magazine από τον τότε εκδότη Jeff Heywood
    Παρακαλώ, πάρτε καρεκλίτσα, καφεδάκι και αρχίστε

    Πάλι όμως στα Αγγλικά...και δεν έχω φωτό, καθώς κυριολεκτικά είχα αγώνα δρόμου με τον χρόνο...


    It is 2am. A cold winter morning. I don’t want to get up from my bed. But I know I have to. My appointment with a business partner in Barnstaple, North Devon, is in eight hours time. And I am going to drive there from Glasgow.

    02.40: Ready, steady, in the car, go. It’s pitch dark and the road works on M74 just outside Glasgow don’t help. The weather doesn’t either; thankfully the road is already gritted. There is snow at the edges of the road on both sides! Me and few lorries here and there at this time of the day. At least my lights are good and I am sitting in the comfort and pleasurable ambient temperature of my car, with the right soundtrack surround!
    04.00: Entering M6, approaching Carlisle and Penrith. More cars appear now and the inside and middle lanes are mostly occupied by lorries and tracks. I start to see the snow covering the fields by the motorway.
    The traffic starts to become heavy-ish outside Preston, Manchester and Liverpool from the early starters. A quick stop to drink a cup of coffee and then go. More road works outside Wolverhampton and Birmingham and a really heavy traffic, where nothing practically moves for a while. Time then for a break, fill up the car and have my second breakfast! It’s nearly 7.35am and I am really hungry.
    Time to move on. More patience exercise for me on M5 outside Bristol in another traffic jam, complimented by driving skills exercise on more road works further south at the level of Weston-Super-Mare. It seems that the whole of UK motorway network is under continuous refurbishment…hopefully with a good result soon!
    Exit from M5 at Junction 27, direction Barnstaple on A361. So far, so good. It’s 9.10am and I think I am going to make it on time! The weather is good, compared to the real nightmare I’ve just experienced, so no worries! Yes, I am in Barnstaple, but surprise, surprise: …a traffic jam! Actually the worst imaginable traffic jam that a small town can have. Having spent a year there in the past, how did I forget about it? Those of you who have visited Devon and Cornwall understand what I’m talking about.
    It’s already 10am. My car parked in the multi store car park at Queen street and me rushing to the building just next to it for my appointment. And yes, I made it, just on time!

    11.00: The meeting was a success! Time to leave Barnstaple. But I am not going back…yet. Did I mention that I have another meeting in London, Trafalgar Square at 3.30pm? Well, it’s true and I have to be there on that time the very latest, because the doors will be shut after 3.30pm…
    Now, the question is, shall I drive to London or shall I take the train from Tiverton Park? Let’s see how it goes…I thought. Forty minutes later, I rejoined the M5 and decided to carry on by car. Traffic is not too bad and I easily reach the M4.
    There’s only one thought on my mind now: where am I going to park in London and how am I going not to…get lost!?! I’ve driven in London before, but only in the west suburbs and that was nearly three years ago, so no chance to make a second attempt now. An idea comes to my mind: I will park in the short car park at Heathrow airport and then take the tube to London! Another short break at Membury services and then back on the wheel.
    14.15: Reached Heathrow airport and parked the car in the car park 1A. Remember it, I said to myself. A short chat with a helpful couple and a friendly NCP car park officer and I got my directions how to get to Charing Cross. In the train of Piccadilly line at last and armed with my mini London guide, I pray for the time to go slowly and the train to go faster…! I have less than an hour left and if I don’t make it…oh, don’t want to think of this scenario. I am confident I will make it.
    15.25: Arrived to Charing Cross station. Practically running on Trafalgar square, going to my destination just a hundred metres from the station. It’s 3.30pm and I am in the building walking to the meeting room. Yes, I made it once more, just on time! Thank God.

    16.00: Appointment over, another successful agreement. I jump back on the train, direction Heathrow airport to pick my car. Now I am far more relaxed; a feeling of satisfaction is all over me and I can even have a short nap…on the seat.
    17.15: Back in the car park and ready to drive off. It’s the peak time of the day and the congestion on M25 direction north is horrendous. Never mind. I have all night long (!) to go back to Glasgow. First thing, find the nearest service station and have an early dinner. About an hour later, I reach Toddington services on M1 and stop for the much awaited break for food and petrol!
    19.30: Fresh, I am back on the wheel heading north on M1. No much to see, am a bit tired (!) and mainly focussed on the road in front of me…!
    I carry on on M1 and then enter the A1(M). At 10pm I arrived at Scotch Corner. I like this service station a lot; they must know me well by now: visited the place four times in the last 72 hours!!! There was a police Volvo V70 parked nearby, with Yorkshire number plates. Instantly I thought of the series on TV about crime stopper traffic cops and started a chat with the officer; he smiled and rushed to say “Oh, I am one of the good ones”, adding “If you go fast down the road, I will catch you in 10 min”. I wonder why he would tell me the last bit….”Goodnight, have a safe journey” he said, “Goodnight, have a quiet shift” I said.
    Driving on A66 is not the best thing to do on an ice cold night. It was past midnight when I rejoined the M6 northband, but never mind. All went smoothly and according to plan (!) so far!

    It’s 1.45am. I am in the garage, parking my car. I am back!!! Safe and sound. I inspect the car: looks OK apart from the colour, which changed from Montreal Blue to “Grit” Blue and the alloys have acquired a natural “grey-smoked” colour instead of the original chrome! A good wash will restore everything.

    I din’t feel particularly tired after this little adventure. I have to say that the sweet (!) BMW 316i did a very good job: the driving position is excellent and the seat comfortable enough to keep the driver awake and in shape. No aches at all anywhere whatsoever. Only my hands are slightly sore, but after 17 hours of almost continuous driving (!), this is to be expected I reckon…
    Some more statistics: In these 24 hours, I didn’t sleep at all and I covered 1800 km (1120 miles converted) in total, with a respectable fuel consumption of 7.7lt/100km (just over 36mpg).
    The car has added several thousands kilometres, since my last letter in April/May 2004 and now it has about 200000km (124000 miles converted). It’s a wonder of basic engineering: 4-cylinder with 8 valves.. The only modification it’s got is a K&N panel filter fitted some 25000km ago. And that’s all.

    Right. That was it. Hope you didn’t get bored reading all the above!
    Speak to you again…"
    Και το όνομα είναι Marie-Noëlle (ελληνιστί Μαρί-Νοέλ) ή υποκοριστικό MNL, ΟΧΙ Μαρί (Marie) ΟΥΤΕ Νοέλ (Noëlle), εκτός αν ψάχνετε για κάποια άλλη... That's it babes!

  8. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to I_MNL For This Useful Post:

    120ie87 (06-04-14), alexandra (06-06-14), aristent (06-04-14), BILL007 (22-05-14), pilot (06-04-14), TakisKal (24-06-14), wheelman (06-04-14)

  9. #5
    Αγγλία, Αθήνα, Λάρισα, Δράμα


    ΜΙΝΙ περιπέτεια?

    Τέλος πάντων είχα κι εγώ την ατυχή εμπειρία να έχω στην κατοχή μου ένα Mini Cooper D Countryman ALL4 ως courtesy car όταν έδωσα τον Αλπίνο για επισκευή, πριν 6 μέρες.
    Οι ανθρωποι για καλό μου το έδωσαν, μοντελο 2014 με 1800 μίλια, με 24ωρη οδική βοήθεια. Πού να φανταστούν....

    Μόλις μπήκα, λέω...πολύ ψηλά κάθομαι...σαν φορτηγό και για να κατέβω, πρέπει να πηδήξω Τα δε πλαστικά? Τολμώ να τα συγκρίνω ως εφάμιλλα με εκείνα του φθηνότερου αυτοκινητου που έχω κάνει test drive: Dacia Sandero! Εκείνο τουλάχιστο είναι φθηνό...μα το Mini?!?

    Τέλος πάντων...άντε να πάμε προς Βόρειο Λονδίνο που πρέπει να πάω ούτως ή άλλως. Μετά από 150χλμ είχα πονοκέφαλο από το θόρυβο του κινητήρα Ο θόρυβος ήταν λιγότερος κάτω από 100χλμ/ώρα ή πάνω από 140χλμ/ώρα, κάτι αδύνατο για εδώ, οπότε συμβιβάστηκα με 2 Depon και 2 Ibuprofen, όταν έφτασα στον προορισμό μου... Πηδάω από το αμάξι και ο κινητήρας από έξω μουγκρίζει σαν κακορυθμισμένο αγροτικό diesel...Αποκλείεται λέω, δεν πιστεύω στ'αυτιά μου.....This is a MINI!!!!

    Και τώρα επιστροφή Manchester με κατεύθυνση Lancaster, όπου ο καλός μου με περιμενει περιχαρής να δει το Mini...Του άρεσε όταν το είδε...Θα σε βγάλω και μια βόλτα του λέω Κάθεται λοιπόν και...αρχίζει τα παράπονα για την άβολη θέση...Εγώ ξεκινώ κι εκείνος κάνει μισή ώρα να βρει βολική θέση....Και αυτό το μουγκρητό, τι έιναι?!? Ο κινητήρας χρυσέ μου, απαντώ.... No way...!!! Σταματώ, βγαίνει έξω και ακούει με τα ίδια του τα αυτιά...

    Τον ακούω να φωνάζει: "Let's go back. Get me out of here!"

    Την επόμενη μέρα μια βολτούλα με μια φίλη μου. Κι αυτή πολύ χαρουμενη να δει το Mini...
    H βολτα την έκανε να αλλάξει γνώμη... το εσωτερικό της φάνηκε φτηνιάρικο και ο θόρυβος...απίστευτος...να συναγωνίζεται με το δίπλα παρκαρισμένο πουλμανάκι....

    και ήρθε η ώρα να την αφήσω στο αυτοκίνητο της΄...και το Mini σβήνει και δεν παίρνει μπρος.... εχει κάνει μόλις 2300 μίλια συνολικά...πηδάω έξω και της φωνάζω... Είναι 10μμ.... Κύριακή...χθες δηλαδή...
    Βλέπω μια τεράστια κήλίδα κάτω από το Mini...σκύβω και βλέπω να εξακολουθεί να βρέχει το οδόστρωμα με το πετρέλαιό του...μέχρι τελευταίας σταγόνας...
    Κάλεσα την οδική βοηθεια, που ήρθε σε 30 λεπτά και με απάλλαξε από τον πονοκέφαλο
    Και για του λόγου το αληθές ειδόυ η φωτό!

    οπου φαίνονται και οι υπολοιπώμενες κήλίδες από το πετρέλαιο (ψιλά πράγματα αυτά!)

    Κι έτσι τελειωσε αυτή η μέρα... ενώ είχα περάσει το πρωί με το φίλο μου ψάχνοντας από που χάνει το ένα λαστιχο του αυτοκινήτου στου και στη συνέχεια σε ένα βουλκανιζατέρ για αλλάγή όλων (μια που χρειαζόταν) με non run flat.

    Δηλαδή πέρασα μια υπέροχη ηλιόλουστη Κυριακή λύνοντας τα προβληματα των αυτοκινητων!!! Αγάπη μου μεγάλη!!!!
    Και το όνομα είναι Marie-Noëlle (ελληνιστί Μαρί-Νοέλ) ή υποκοριστικό MNL, ΟΧΙ Μαρί (Marie) ΟΥΤΕ Νοέλ (Noëlle), εκτός αν ψάχνετε για κάποια άλλη... That's it babes!

  10. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to I_MNL For This Useful Post:

    A8hnaios (24-06-14), alexandra (01-09-14), aristent (24-06-14), Bazil Van Sinner (24-06-14), BILL007 (24-06-14), chrisgiapz3 (24-06-14), freddys (24-06-14), katsaraios (24-06-14)

  11. #6


    νταξ το πετρέλαιο πέρνει δύσκολα,άμα το προσπαθούσες λίγο με αναπτήρα θα γινόταν η δουλειά σου!!!

    * fb page flickr

    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα απο Βασιλης Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    ......με αυτόν τον μοναδικό ήχο που μόνο οι ευθείς 6κύλινδροι BMW έχουν..

  12. #7
    Αγγλία, Αθήνα, Λάρισα, Δράμα


    Χα χα
    Θα γινόταν πλήρως insurance write off και η αντιπροσωπεία θα έβγαζε και λεφτά!!!
    Είναι τώρα μαζί τους.... Αν ο Αλπίνος δεν είναι έτοιμος μέχρι Πεμπτη...θα μου στείλουν τον πονοκέφαλο με φορτηγό....¨
    Τελευταία επεξεργασία από το χρήστη I_MNL : 24-06-14 στις 10:25
    Και το όνομα είναι Marie-Noëlle (ελληνιστί Μαρί-Νοέλ) ή υποκοριστικό MNL, ΟΧΙ Μαρί (Marie) ΟΥΤΕ Νοέλ (Noëlle), εκτός αν ψάχνετε για κάποια άλλη... That's it babes!

  13. #8
    Salonica . . .


    Bαθυλακκο Θεσ/νικης εννοεις ; ; ;

  14. #9
    Αγγλία, Αθήνα, Λάρισα, Δράμα


    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα απο Christos 330 Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
    Bαθυλακκο Θεσ/νικης εννοεις ; ; ;
    Έ? Δεν κατάλαβα... Αγγλία είμαι....
    Και το όνομα είναι Marie-Noëlle (ελληνιστί Μαρί-Νοέλ) ή υποκοριστικό MNL, ΟΧΙ Μαρί (Marie) ΟΥΤΕ Νοέλ (Noëlle), εκτός αν ψάχνετε για κάποια άλλη... That's it babes!

  15. #10


    Παράθεση Αρχικό μήνυμα απο I_MNL Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων

    Και καθώς δεν μπορώ να καθήσω πολύ χωρίς να οδηγήσω, είπα να επισκεφθώ μια φίλη μου, που δουλεύαμε μαζί στην Αγγλία, και είναι τώρα στην Βέροια. .................................................. ................

  16. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Konstantinos E60 For This Useful Post:

    BILL007 (24-06-14), I_MNL (24-06-14)

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