Current World Population Clock
U.S.National Debt Clock
Always we need a ballance between the car and the woman as a perfect man dream!
katsaraios (17-09-13)
bill_m3 (17-09-13), Konstantinos E60 (17-09-13), Leonidas_E39 (18-09-13), Ptboul (17-09-13)
Become the person you would want to have as a friend yourself!!!!!
535xi (12-10-13), aristent (17-09-13), Bazil Van Sinner (17-09-13), doctore (17-09-13), katsaraios (17-09-13), Panos 316T (17-09-13), PANOS-E60 (17-09-13), Vasilis M3 (17-09-13), Vassilis ///M (17-09-13)
καθησμα ελεν?
αντε γεια...
Become the person you would want to have as a friend yourself!!!!!
535xi (12-10-13), aristent (17-09-13), katsaraios (17-09-13), Panos 316T (17-09-13)
Αχ θαλασσα μου σκοτεινη..........
Become the person you would want to have as a friend yourself!!!!!
535xi (12-10-13), aristent (17-09-13), Bazil Van Sinner (17-09-13), BILL007 (17-09-13), Bitz (17-09-13), Konstantinos E60 (17-09-13), nikos valvetronic (17-09-13), ntinos (17-09-13), Panos 316T (17-09-13), Ptboul (17-09-13), Vassilis ///M (17-09-13), zaharias (17-09-13)
Βγάλε και κανέναν καϊτά Ελένη - αν έχει μείνει κανένας τώρα.
ps: σε λίγο καιρό όσοι έχουν 320 θα τους κοιτάμε έτσι
Κάποτε θα τα θυμόμαστε όλα αυτά και θα γελάμε.
Bazil Van Sinner (17-09-13), bill_m3 (17-09-13), Eleni (17-09-13), Konstantinos E60 (17-09-13), zaharias (17-09-13)