Επιστροφή στο Forum : ΒΜW HYDROGEN 7

30-01-10, 18:41
Σχετικά με τα οικολογικά και μιας που αρχίσαμε την κουβέντα ας δούμε και αυτό το ενδιαφέρον.

Η BMW και μάλιστα πριν απο 3 χρόνια παρουσίασε το πρώτο της, περιορισμένης παραγωγής, αυτοκίνητο επιδόσεων με καύσιμο το υδρογόνο!

Μάλιστα ο εικονιζόμενος κύριος τη λανσάρισε πριν 3 χρονάκια...


Posted by Marc Carter on June 6, 2007 6:27 PM
"Brad Pitt Shows up to the Premiere of Ocean's 13 In a BMW Hydrogen 7"

Brad Pitt showed up to the premiere of his new movie, Ocean's 13 in a BMW Hydrogen 7 yesterday. Most of the onlookers at Grauman's Chinese Theater probably didn't even notice, since the car looks just like the regular BMW 7-Series.
The production ready prototype that Brad Pitt drove in was unveiled by BMW last year. The interesting thing about this car is that it doesn't rely on fuel cells or electric motors, instead it just burns hydrogen.
The car is capable of going 125 miles in the hydrogen mode and another 300 in gasoline mode. If the car didn't have to have storage for the gasoline, the car would be able to travel further in hydrogen mode.


Λίγα περισσότερα λοιπόν γι'αυτό το αμάξι...

The BMW Hydrogen 7 is a limited production hydrogen vehicle built by German automobile manufacturer BMW. The car is based on BMWʼs traditional gasoline powered 7-series line of vehicles, and more specifically the 760Li. It uses the same 6 litre V-12 motor as does the 760i and 760Li; however, it has been modified to also allow for the combustion of hydrogen as well as gasoline, making it a bivalent engine.
Unlike many other current hydrogen powered vehicles like those being produced by Honda, General Motors, and Daimler Chrysler - which use fuel cell technology and hydrogen to create electricity to power the vehicle - the BMW directly ignites the hydrogen in its internal combustion engine.


Περισσότερα σχετικά με το αυτοκίνητο (επιδόσεις/μηχανικά)

The car is powered by a 6.0 liter V-style 12-cylinder engine capable of running on both premium gasoline and hydrogen fuel. It is rated at 191-kilowatt (260 PS; 256 hp) and 390 N·m (290 ft·lbf) of torque using either fuel. The car accelerates from stopped to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 9.5 seconds. The hydrogen fuel tank holds roughly 8 kg (18 lb) of hydrogen, enough to travel 125 miles (201 km). The gasoline fuel tank holds 19.5 gallons, enough to travel 300 miles (480 km) for a combined total of over 400 miles (640 km) at cruising speeds. The Hydrogen 7 gets about 5.6 mpg-imp (50 L/100 km; 4.7 mpg-US) on hydrogen (by comparison Honda's FCX Clarity gets 81 mpg-imp (3.5 L/100 km; 67 mpg-US)) and 16.9 mpg-imp (16.7 L/100 km; 14.1 mpg-US) on gasoline.
The curb weight of the Hydrogen 7 is roughly 550 pounds (250 kg) heavier than the 760Li, bringing it to about 5,100 pounds (2,300 kg).


Αυτά λοιπόν κύριοι...Για να ξέρουμε τι γίνεται και στον κόσμο...Όταν άλλοι βάζουν κατευθείαν πριν απο 4 χρόνια (ίσως και παραπάνω μαζί με την έρευνα) υδρογόνο μέσα στη μηχανή,ακόμα κάποιοι άλλοι παίζουν με τις "μπαταρίες" ;)

BMW :warriorsmiley:


30-01-10, 18:53
εχω λιωσει στο γελιο με τα tags σου

brad pitt (https://www.bmwfans.gr/forum/tags.php?tag=brad+pitt), oceans 13 (https://www.bmwfans.gr/forum/tags.php?tag=oceans+13)
βαλε και τη αντζελινα!!!!!!

30-01-10, 18:56
βαλε και τη αντζελινα!!!!!!

:mpaks:To έβαλα επειδή εσείς το ζητήσατε...:th_Laie_67-1: :thumbsup: thumb

31-01-10, 13:28
και συνεχίζουμε...

Μία BMW Hydrogen 7 για τον Placido Domingo


Τα κλειδιά μίας BMW Hydrogen 7 παρέλαβε ο παγκοσμίου φήμης τενόρος, Placido Domingo, στα πλαίσια του πρωτοποριακού προγράμματος υποστήριξης εναλλακτικών μορφών καυσίμου. Η Γερμανική εταιρία, σε μια προσπάθεια να προωθήσει τα φιλικότερα προς το περιβάλλον υδρογονοκίνητα οχήματα, έχει κατά καιρούς παραχωρήσει ανάλογα μοντέλα σε αρκετές διασημότητες. Ανάμεσά τους, στο ζεύγος Brad Pitt - Angelina Jolie, στο Richard Gere, στη Sharon Stone, στη γνωστή σοπράνο Anna Netrebko και σε πολλές άλλες εξέχουσες προσωπικότητες.

Το τιμόνι του Hydrogen 7 θα κρατά από σήμερα και ο Domingo, ο οποίος δήλωσε ότι θεωρεί τιμή του να συμμετέχει στην πρωτοβουλία της BMW, που στόχο έχει να επηρεάσει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο η κοινωνία αντιμετωπίζει την εναλλακτική ενέργεια. «Είναι καθήκον όλων μας να μάθουμε, να συμμετάσχουμε στη μάχη, να αποδεχτούμε την αλλαγή και να αποτελέσουμε μέρος της λύσης» δήλωσε ο διάσημος τενόρος, ο οποίος έχει αποδείξει έμπρακτα την ευαισθησία του, παίρνοντας μέρος σε αρκετές διοργανώσεις φιλανθρωπικού χαρακτήρα.

Η BMW Hydrogen 7 δε διατίθεται προς πώληση, παρόλα αυτά όμως δεν αποτελεί πρωτότυπο αυτοκίνητο, αλλά μοντέλο παραγωγής, που στόχο έχει την εξέλιξη του υδρογόνου στα ιδιωτικής χρήσης μέσα μεταφοράς. Εκπέμποντας αποκλειστικά και μόνο υδρατμούς, προωθεί τη μελλοντική μείωση των εκπομπών CO2 στην ατμόσφαιρα.

[URL]https://www.4troxoi.gr/default.php?pname=Article&cat_id=4&art_id=7368 (https://www.bmwfans.gr/files/Image/Articles/Old2/16/16011.jpg)

02-04-10, 15:53
Και λίγο απο την καινούργια hybrid 7 (2010) της BMW


29-04-10, 20:57


Και σχετικά με την ασφάλεια:

Crash tests with tanks for liquid hydrogen

In close cooperation with the TUV South Germany Technical Inspection Authority, the BMW Group has conducted a comprehensive range of tests examining various accident scenarios and determining how the liquid hydrogen tank behaves in the process. One of the test procedures was to destroy full tanks under high pressure after deliberately blocking their safety valves. The predetermined rupture point inside the tank provided for such an extreme case allows controlled discharge of the hydrogen without any major risks or hazards.

In a further series of tests vehicle tanks filled with liquid hydrogen were subjected to various fire conditions in a special test area: In the process the tanks were surrounded by flames at a temperature of almost 1000 �C or approximately 1850 �F for up to 70 minutes. Again, the tanks did not present any problems, the evaporated hydrogen slowly escaping through the safety valves in a smooth, almost imperceptible flow of gas. In the last series of tests, finally, car tanks containing liquid hydrogen were deformed and seriously damaged by hard, solid objects. None of the tanks exploded.
Thorough and very demanding crash tests were also conducted successfully on the overall vehicle as a complete "system" and are described in greater detail in the Chapter on "How Cars Run on Hydrogen". After these comprehensive examinations, the TUV Technical Inspection Authority arrived at the conclusion that hydrogen can be used just as safely as gasoline.
The procedure applied is very simple and straightforward: Like at every other filling station, cars running on hydrogen drive up to the fuel pump located in the public area of Munich Airport. Then the driver initiates the fully automatic tank-filling process. While the tank is being filled up - this takes roughly as long as a conventional tank-filling process with gasoline or diesel - the driver in theory need not even get out of his car, since he is identified by his tank card or by electronic remote control. Liquid hydrogen at a temperature of -253 �C is subsequently able to "rain" into the tank of his BMW, hydrogen gas in the tank condensing on the droplets via the liquid phase and thus reducing the partial pressure of the hydrogen gas. As a result, absolutely no hydrogen is lost in the process of filling the tank.
In terms of the operations involved, the process of filling the tank manually is again virtually exactly the same as at a conventional filling station. By and large, the system differs only in terms of the pressure- and low temperature-proof connector taking the place of the usual pump nozzle: To fill up the tank, the driver places the connector on the tank filler pipe and locks it in position, enabling the hydrogen to "flow" in.
This process of filling the tank manually is to be studied in a large-scale demonstration project in Berlin, where the first hydrogen tank in Germany integrated in a public filling station will be opened in autumn 2004. And to develop a standardized liquid hydrogen connector suitable for worldwide use on the automobile as soon as possible, the BMW Group and General Motors/Opel established an open consortium in April 2003 together with Linde and Walter.

Liquid hydrogen is always cryogenic

Liquid hydrogen inside the tank of a car warms up in a "natural" process. The pressure inside the tank thus increases in the course of time until a limit currently set at 5.5 bar, the maximum pressure allowed in a tank for liquid hydrogen. Under higher pressure, gas is able to escape in a controlled process through a spillover valve in a process comparable to the evaporation of gasoline from a conventional car tank when parked in bright sunshine.
Currently it takes about one day for the fuel in a hydrogen tank to reach a pressure of 5 bar with the engine not running. And whenever the car is driven in the meantime, pressure decreases and the loss of hydrogen during extended standstill periods may be avoided altogether.

29-04-10, 21:03

Περισσότερα Infos σε αυτό το λινκ https://www.bmwinformation.com/technology/hydrogen.html (https://www.bmwinformation.com/technology/hydrogen.html)
